Socapalm (Société Camerounaise de Palmeraies) is a public limited company under Cameroonian law, with a Board of Directors and capital of CFAF 45 75 890 000. Its registered office is at Tillo, route de Nkongsamba, and its headquarters are at rue de la Motte Piquet Bonanjo, BP 691 Douala, telephone (237) 695 35 59 11.

Socfinaf holds 67.46% of the capital, the State of Cameroon 22.36% and the remaining capital has been listed on the Douala stock exchange since 2009.

Like any good corporate citizen, Socapalm aspires to adhere to the highest standards of good governance.

The Board of Directors has 9 members, including 4 legal entities.

The Board’s mission is to set the broad guidelines for Socapalm’s activities. The Board also pays attention to the interests of shareholders, and its work is based on their recommendations.

Socapalm is managed by a Managing Director who has been appointed by the Board of Directors and represents the company in dealings with third parties. He chairs the Management Committee, which is made up of plantation Managers and General Management staff. This committee meets regularly.

The Managing Director, Mr. Dominique CORNET, took office on 22 June 2016.

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